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Company News


August 1, 2008 - We Have Moved


Our new office is located at 2110 Matheson Blvd. East, Suite 102, Mississauga, ON L4W 5E1.




November 1, 2007 - Introducing Maritime-Ontario Environmental Inc


Maritime Testing is pleased to announce that it now operates an affiliate satellite office in Mississauga called Maritime-Ontario Environmental Inc.  This office was opened on November 1st, 2007, initially to conduct asbestos inventories of residential buildings to allow property managers to comply with the new Regulation 278/05.  In addition, Maritime-Ontario Environmental has significant expertise in evaluation of microbial problems in buildings including testing, inspection and development of remediation plans.  Our new offices are located at 5359 Timberlea Blvd, Unit 15 Mississauga, ON, L4W 4N5, and we can be contacted at 905-602-4376.


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Maritime-Ontario Environmental Inc.
2110 Matheson Blvd. East, Suite 102
Mississauga, ON L4W 5E1
Phone: 905-602-4376    Fax: 905-602-7794

Copyright @ 2008 Maritime-Ontario Environmental Inc.
All Rights Reserved